
Powerful and Flexible

What we can
do for you

Using our ICScada software platform, we provide complete solutions for the energy sector (Natural Gas, Petroleum, Mining, Renewable Energy etc.), factory floor/plant manufacturing, water and wastewater industry, or ANY other industrial control application.
Using a lightweight network model, ICScada can be deployed stand-alone or hosted in the cloud to offer clients remote access to production data.


A fully-featured Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition platform built for the web.
It does not require any special client software or apps and users can perform all functionality through common internet browsers and devices (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc).

Using a lightweight network model, ICScada can be deployed stand-alone or hosted in the cloud to offer clients remote access to production data.


A Linux-based SCADA software for all industries that provides SECURE online access to your monitoring data and controls. With unlimited multiple client access and unsurpassed developer flexibility, it is a secure, expandable and reliable database.


The core design of the ICScada HMI Software can cost effectively provide one remote hosted solution for a single process, a server solution for hundreds of other separate processes, and a secure enterprise solution to manage your entire industry asset.


Throughout the last two decades, we have proven the ICScada HMI Control Software to be one of the most dynamic, stable and cost effective solutions available on the automation market today

  • Linux based SCADA software for all industries

  • Extensive native driver list

  • Unlimited runtime/development license

  • Web based client & design suite

  • Built in database for historian

  • Powerful & flexible trending

  • Unlimited multiple client access

  • Proven reliability

  • Mobile device friendly

  • Expandable

  • Open source scripting languages for unsurpassed developer flexibility

  • Secure https web login

Get Connected

Contact Outlaw Automation for your ICScada Solution